Wednesday, 25 May 2022

My Little Fighter

My entire body felt like a deflating balloon slowly slumping onto the floor; only that I was still standing. My brain was foggy and emotions were all jumbled up. We had made peace with Little Springsteen losing one hand. The news of the other having to be let go also was not just devastating and destabilising but completely faith shaking. I was unable to find solace or find some strength to hold on. Pain, suffering and hardship in small measures are important to keep us honest. But this magnitude of tragedy and hardship just seemed pointless and in defiance all tales of the Lord’s ways of mercy and kindness! 

I had a wedding to attend. I had called this out even before they felt something for one another. I had to be there for their big day. And yes I was there, physically. Emotionally I was thinking of Little Springsteen. I felt being unfair, partaking in celebrations while Bruce was struggling with his emotions and the burden of all the running around. What sort of an older sister am I? The thoughts of helplessness, grief and guilt had me riled up.

Mother has been deeply anguished. So I did not want to burden her with my turmoil. Acknowledging father's work pressures I refrained from reaching out to him. It's a similar situation with Bonsai, a new mother and Sequoia, a mother with a twelfth grader. All this meant was that at the wedding I was only physically present. I felt like a wimp being unable to process and deal with my emotions but I decided it was better to be a wimp and reach out to Her for help rather than suffer and stew. I needed my mental bandwidth for a number of other tasks. 

Away from the music and the dance I called Her and she instantly reminded me that I have multiple roles and responsibilities and each one needs to be catered to with fairness. Bruce knew that I was there with them albeit not physically and maybe in person I would only be in the way. King George Memorial University is not an easy place. Maybe she had a point and so I was back to the celebrations. 

The next day, however, I woke up feeling lost and drifting. Making my cup of coffee I felt the heaviness in my soul and I was low. My mind was trying to find a solve for the situation and my body a way to cope. As I was getting ready for the day ahead it suddenly hit me that if He had presented this mountain it was only Him who could show the path to summit it. With that thought I said a prayer and decided to gather myself for the sake of Little Springsteen. There is no mountain insurmountable and I had to only find a way. Being in Jaipur I decided to visit the Hanuman temple Nana would go to. He was a great soul and I am unfortunate that I got his affection only till my pre teens. But visiting the temple that day made me feel much lighter and stronger. On the way I also ventured into the streets of Johri Bazaar where Nani would come shopping. Reliving some of those happy childhood memories made me feel better and I could attend the wedding from the evening baraat to the early morning pheras. 

As I landed in Mumbai I felt the need to hit the bed. Enroute home Bruce called to say the surgery was complete and Little Springsteen was in recovery. He had realised that the other hand was gone as well and this realisation had got a tear to his eyes. However, Bruce told me that Little Springsteen gained composure and told his father, " Fufu had said that she will get me a new hand. Why are you worried!". The strength and faith of the child had me humbled. What tremendous and rock solid human spirit he possess! I was speechless. I, older and supposedly wiser was losing my wits for days and this fighter had just decided in an instant to fight it out! I truly am a wimp! But I want to rectify that!

So in the last three days I have attempted hard to not let the tragedy get the better of me but to focus on the fact that we have Little Springsteen and his fighting spirit with us and how can we now chart a rich life for him ahead. I will not accept that he will live a compromised life. Science has progressed, he is determined and I am confident; all we need are your prayers and His mercy. If the kid can be so strong God has to be KIND! May he listen to all our prayers 🙏! 

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Medicine and Music

My heart was heavy. Had been since Little Springsteen had the dastardly accident. One place the mind went was what if this has all happened because I have started my music again? It's an extremely silly thought and completely illogical, but when the heart is heavy it behaves irrationally. And while I knew this at an intellectual level, I needed reassurance. To voice my fixated baseless worry I called Her, the one who understands me as much as Mother does. Her immediate revert to me was, "संगीत तो आराधना है बेटा, यह भाव तो स्वप्न में भी नहीं आना चाहिए|" And just with Her saying so I felt relieved. 

Her words are so true; music is devotion, it's pursuit is a prayer and it reaches the soul. In fact it's the only universal constant. The note can be called a Sa or a Do but will sound the same. It can be sung as Pa or So but the frequency does not change. Nothing else; not colours, not wind, not water, nothing retains its consistency across the universe. Probably that's why memory is also aided by music. From mythology to reality we know of how music helps retention and memorisation. It was the reason that Lord Shankar asked Ravana to set the Vedas to music and expecting mothers are asked to listen to music.

As my classes have progressed I can hear my own improvement, slow but audible. I am more confident in my singing and I am enjoying trying unknown songs. Most importantly I am experiencing peace and calm. It is what has given me the strength through the happenings of the last ten days and helped me relax over the last twenty four hours when the doctor called to say that the first green shoots in Little Springsteen's recovery may now be visible. 

Four days ago I stood outside the ICU waiting for Bruce to come. I was feeling vulnerable but had to be strong; afterall Bruce is the father. I looked around and my eyes could not hold any sight for more than a few seconds. On a stretcher lay a young man in pain, unable to get up. His ailment I did not know but this was a plastic surgery and burns ICU that I was outside, so I probably did not even want to know. Next to him, on the steel chair, sat a man with an arm in the sling having had the hand amputated. Further ahead was a young girl with a facial issue that had caused the left side of the face to swell up as if there was a tennis ball inserted. As she sat outside the ICU, there was an IV connected to her hand. Further down was a few months old baby, crying mildly. What caught my heart was the cannula on his tiny little hand. How tormenting must this be! And all between these patients sat the attendants and relatives of those inside the ICU. The agony in that room was overflowing and yet there were smiles and laughter, empathy and sympathy, and mutual caring and sharing. 

The lady manning the entry to the ICU was stern but in a while she softened and herself mentioned that while Bruce was with Little Springsteen she would see if the ICU doctor would meet with me. A kind and patient individual, the doctor walked out and with a smile on her face greeted me. In detail and in simple terms she explained the nature of electrical injuries and burns, how they progress and what could be the consequences. She then went on to give me Little Springsteen's prognosis and the assurance that they were doing all and more that they could. Then came the HOD, a man who is a personality and he guided me to the treating doctor. As the gentleman approached me, he saw the agony and asked me to take a seat on the couch inside the ICU entrance. He sat beside me and began to explain the treatment thus far. He also said that the full extent of the injuries would not be known till the blood markers start to stabilise but in his experience "children and more resilient. They pull through. The cardiologist is of the same view." At that point in time a tear rolled down. I could not hold that one back but then composed myself. I folded my hands and told him how grateful we were for all their efforts and generosity and ultimately we were at their mercy. He immediately corrected me to say that we are all the mercy of the Lord! 

Having spoken to the doctors I wanted to meet Little Springsteen but his wounds were being dressed. It had been a very early morning and so I decided to go for a cup of tea. Bruce and I walked to the little hole in the wall that dispensed sugary and milky tea that had been cooked for a long time on an open fire. We both sat discussing the blessings that we had encountered. He said, "दीदी ठीक हो रहा है। सब बहुत कर रहे हैं। समय तो लगेगा।" I was humbled by his strength.

The campus of King George Memorial University is huge. So as we walked back to the ICU we had time and I understood the challenges Bruce was facing. He could not sleep as in the middle of the night he was sent with blood samples to the Trauma Center for testing. Then they sent him to the chemist to get items needed for dressing the wounds. In case Little Springsteen was in pain they would call out to him again. The emotional and physical toll that he was soaking was not showing. I felt so helpless at this situation that all I could do was hear and be there as a moral support, be the elder sister he treats me as.

Once at the ICU entrance we were told that a patient had passed on and so we needed to wait till the formalities were over. I waited. Then one individual was allowed to go suddenly and meet their patient at which the security lady got upset. If they were allowed why was I being made to wait. She asked me to quickly remove my shoes and follow her inside. Not caring about the cleanliness or sanitation I followed her. I wanted to see Little Springsteen. Keeping my eyes on the floor I followed her. I wanted to ensure that I did not step on anything sharp or into a puddle. 

As I reached Little Springsteen he looked at me with full awareness. The nurse next to him told me how good a patient he was being. I saw the amputated arm and the other one in bandages. My heart was thudding. I requested Little Springsteen to eat well and promise me that he would eat orally every day. I explained that oral nutrition was critical to his becoming healthier. Telling him that his recovery was all we wanted I was heading out when I saw a completely burnt man lying on the bed next to the child's. I reverted my gaze back to the floor and moved out. If the injuries were not sufficient the atmosphere was enough to scare the child. What sadness!! 

I came out, thinking of this when I bumped into the treating doctor again. He asked me I had met Little Springsteen. I said yes and that while he was completely aware, alert and coherent, there was visible psychological trauma. The doctor smiled gently ," of course. It's the pain, the reality and then the ICU atmosphere." And in the next breath he cautioned me that ICU is where Little Springsteen needed to be so we had to deprioritise the psychological trauma. He was right. That had to be the course of action. 

It was almost noon and I decided to leave Bruce to rest and attend to things that needed his attention. I told him I would be back before heading to the airport. With that I made my way to the car. As I sat inside I realised I was numb. There was so much pain that I had seen, so much agony and Bruce and Little Springsteen were in the midst of that day in and day out! How were they expected to be strong! It was not fair and a feeling of deep helplessness embraced me. 

That's when I turned to the only solace I know, devotional music. I put the music on shuffle and the first Bhajan that played, praised the kindness of the Guru. I bowed my head to the Benevolent One and another tear escaped. He has always heard me and been the kindest and the most generous. I called out to Him for the same once more. The next one is an all time favourite, it's a Bollywood song that talks of surrender to the almighty. The music is deeply touching. Picturised on children, it has been dear to me since I was a kid. Hearing it a couple of times I felt strength return to my body. The next one that I heard was the prayer of Lord Hanuman and it describes all that He did for Lord Ram. Finally came the Bhajan that off late is one I sing often. It asks the Lord to keep me in his sight always. By then I knew that He was listening and with that my breath came back to normal. As the rest of the songs went on playing I could feel peace return to my being and very soon I was calm, controlled and could think of buying myself yet another Lucknow Chikankari salwar kameez! I was in Lucknow and how could I not; even though I have multiple already!

Music has held me strong through the most turbulent times and how right is She is to say that music is a prayer. After all the Benevolent One had wished that I learn Hindustani Classical. His wish is always in my best interest. Maybe I have restarted music to become a better person...

On that note, I go to my daily practice and request that all you dear readers continue your prayers for my little fighter who seems to be improving. Signing off till the next post! 

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Kindness, Compassion and Trauma

My heart is restless and the mind is working to be three steps ahead. I am very tempted to be stationed in Lucknow but all sensibilities tell me that I will only be in the way. So while the medical professionals are doing their magic, I am praying and requesting for prayers that will get the Benevolent One to weave His magic! 

As I came home from work on Thursday I was looking forward to a longer daily walk. Lighting my daily evening prayer lamp, that evening for the first time I came across a situation where the wick would not catch light from the matchstick. Finally, after five attempts I was successful. And as I walked out of the room I got the news that Little Springsteen had met with an accident. My heart was absolutely calm, I knew that this was not fatal; but given that this was a case of electrocution by the main transmission line I knew it was severe. So there was no question of going for a walk.

Over the next couple of hours we tried to connect with the impacted immediate family, in the remote countryside of the world, to understand the situation. No one was able to give us a clear picture nor was a smooth conversation possible. Finally about two and a half hours later we managed to speak to the doctor. The electrocution had caused burn injuries to the upper limbs. While the left arm had a wound that needed regular cleaning to heal, the right arm below the elbow had suffered significant damage and would need to be amputated. I was in shock and did not know how to convey this to the father of the child who of course had been distraught. Also I felt, as a woman, maybe I was being given the ultimate bottom line without the nuances so I asked father to speak to the doctor. Immediately on disconnecting, father asked Little Springsteen’s father if we could get the boy to Lucknow. That’s where father said he would be more comfortable getting all treatment done. His view was that even the amputation was necessary, Lucknow was better equipped and we would have better care. 

Little Springsteen arrived in Lucknow the next afternoon and went straight to KGMU. Apparently the plastic surgery department of the hospital is top notch. His young body had suffered too much trauma and there was very little that he was able to eat or drink. So the first thing was to ensure he got some nutrition. Little Springsteen's father arrived at the hospital too and I was relieved that at least the father now could see his son, speak to him and would know in real time what was happening. It did not take away the severity of the shock but it took away the anxiety due to the distance. 

With medical care now being given, we wanted to understand if there was any merit in bringing Little Springsteen to Mumbai. Doc suggested I speak to his plastic surgeon colleague. Dr T has been brilliant. That first day, he heard me patiently and then explained to me that there was no merit in bringing the child to Mumbai at this stage. For rehab yes. He did not stop there. He went on to ask for Little Springsteen's details so that he could speak to HOD of plastic surgery at KGMU. Bless Dr T! But before I could find out the bed number etc Dr T messaged that he had already spoken and the HOD was aware of the case. All due care would be taken.

I was a bit at ease, at least from a medical point of view. Then came the call that they were taking the patient to the ICU so that the extent of damage and a possible salvage of the arm could be evaluated. My hopes went up and a prayer went up to the Benevolent One. Only He can work miracles and I have seen Him perform those. 

Saturday during the day the phone worked and it was uneventful, until I got an urgent call from mother at 2:30am. The father of the patient had called mother in the US as he did not want to wake me up! How considerate is this soul in time of his own struggle! Little Springsteen's right lung had collapsed! How had that happened! And the hospital wanted the father to consent to the procedure. Mother requested me to find out more. So I called and was grateful that the doctor at the ICU agreed to speak to me. Little Springsteen's SPO2 was at 96-97 and they needed to complete the procedure soon. All my queries were answered and I told them they would get the consent. I spoke to the father, Bruce I will call him, and explained as much as I could. The procedure happened. I informed mother and tried to sleep. 

Sunday morning I woke up not knowing if I should travel to Lucknow or continue to stay put. My morning call revealed that there had been a request for some blood to be donated so that blood for Little Springsteen could be secured. Bruce did not know why the same was being requested.  As I was contemplating I thought of messaging Dr T. Profusely apologising for disturbing him on a Sunday, I explained the latest developments to him. He messaged back shortly to give me a medical perspective and conveyed that he would speak to the HOD and revert. Of course he reverted soon. Little Springsteen's haemoglobin levels had fallen and hence the blood. He confirmed that "boy is stable" but we needed to be watchful. Getting a complete low down from him took away the anxiety of the known unknown. 

While Dr T has been a blessing, Mr JK has been the angel we needed. Not only did he organise the admissions and all things needed at KGMU, he has been personally in touch with Bruce regularly. Mr JK's nephew has been visiting the hospital daily and speaking to the doctors as well. Today he assured Bruce that if more blood was needed all Bruce needed to do was to call him. In addition, one of his senior associates has been in regular touch with the hospital to ensure that the simpleton Bruce is not sidelined. Mr JK is a family friend but his generosity has gone above and beyond all norms, expectations and experiences. We are hugely indebted to him.  

As I was writing this post and bowing in gratitude to Dr T and Mr JK, I remembered what the Benevolent One always said, " जो भगवान यहाँ तक ले कर आया है, वो आगे भी लेकर जायेगा." How true is that. None of the kindness that we have experienced is due to our own doing. It's all been due to the empathy and big heartedness of fellow human beings. As this has come our way, so will the other means that will ensure His mercy continues to light our path. He who has shown us the path thus far will take us further as well. And on that hopeful note I am saying a silent prayer so that the Lord helps Little Springsteen recover soon...