Saturday 13 August 2022

Being Me - Another Weekend Thought

Yesterday as I was making my way out of a lunch meeting I saw a familiar face. An old client from my banking days. I had not met him in years and so walked up to him and said hi. With my mask on he took a minute and then exclaimed, "it has been years! Where have you disappeared?" As I mentioned that I had left banking and moved to manufacturing, he mentioned that he knew about my career to date and a "common friend" keeps mentioning me. I was surprised at this. I think I know the common friend but the fact that he knew my career journey was a surprise. I was humbled. With a promise of meeting soon I left, a promise I intend to keep. 

As I was driving away I could not help but think when is it that I have remembered people and followed their careers even if they have not been in touch. My own experience has been that it was when someone made an impact on me. Take Kong for example. I have written about him before but it is important to mention him once more. Kong had a deep impact on me because he cared. As a newbie in banking and in London he cared about how I grew as a professional and groomed as an individual. A German lawyer, he was almost like my self appointed Indian older brother. He was the one who helped me navigate tricky situations at work, got me books to widen my reading genre and he also encouraged me to focus more on my own brand. He was the first person who made me realise that each one of us is unique and our individual brands should be celebrated. I may not be in touch with him regularly but I follow his moves. Social media just makes that so easy! 

With the above realisation I was forced to think what did I do that made this client remember me. The only incident that comes to mind is the point at which I expressed my concern on one particular clause in the terms and conditions. Detrimental to the investors, as it was drafted, the clause enabled the investee company to sell some of their assets without the investor consent. It was not a straightforward verbiage but on close reading that's what it delivered. I brought this up multiple times, however, as we were short on time and given the trust between the investor and the company the decision was not to contest. Still uncomfortable but having done my bit I closed the transaction. Low and behold, a couple of years down the line the company used the clause to their advantage! I am not sure what transpired between the two parties pre and post exercise but I personally did feel that the "trust" was misused. 

Maybe it was that or maybe it was something else but the fact that he recollected me and knew my current whereabouts made me realise once more the value of authenticity and my own brand. The one mantra that I have always followed has been to be authentic and honest in all my dealings. If I feel strongly about something I say it out loud even if it is not what "should" be said or what is "expected" to be endorsed. Professionally, on occasions it has put me in a deep minority (as if my gender did not already do that) and earned me flak of pointing out the elephant in the room. However, I have slept well knowing that I maintained my integrity. Personally, this has had me face some hurt and yet the scars are reminders that I was generous and giving. On one single occasion, only that once, where my authenticity and honesty hurt someone else I feel terrible to this day but I know that the days of hurt saved years of pain.  

So with that said I start the long weekend celebrating the opportunities that I have been granted to become an authentic and honest individual and I hope that I can continue to conduct myself with integrity and compassion even in future. 

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